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A guide to: Ideal Client

Join Christina as she shares her advice on how to find the ideal client for your business.

What is an ideal client?

Who is your ideal client and what does it mean?

Why do you need an ideal client?

How do you find your ideal client?

Find out the answers to all the questions above and more, by watching the video or reading the transcript below.

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"Hi, everyone, and welcome back to another guide with Dolphin Outsourcing. In this week's episode, we are discussing the ideal client.

So what is an ideal client? An ideal client is someone who is loyal to your company, who frequently uses or purchases your products or services, and is likely to recommend you to their friends, their family, or their colleagues. Ultimately it's someone who you would want to buy from you time and time again. So it's literally the perfect client or customer.

Who is your ideal client, and what does it mean? If your answer is everyone, it means you haven't yet identified who you are currently serving. So it's tempting to think that everyone needs your products or services, but it might mean that you're heading down a no money path. So in an attempt to serve everyone, you're going to end up in a serious sort of disservice to the people that need you the most. It means that the products you create or the services that you create won't like hit the mark with your audience, and you'll be continually attracting the wrong people. So in your efforts to serve everyone, you could end up serving no one, and that's not what anybody wants.

So who is your ideal client? The detail of your ideal client would mean that your marketing should be more successful as you'll be creating content in order to attract that specific audience. Your time will be spent more efficiently, and you'll be less likely to waste a budget on activity that won't give you the results that you're looking for. Who do you know? Do you know who your ideal client is already? Maybe you do. Maybe you are not sure. What do you know about them so far? If you have your ideal client, let me know. It's great to hear what everyone's ideal client is that everyone's always different. If you don't know how to find your ideal client, I'll give you some ways in which you can do that now.

So you can brainstorm, that's a really good way, good old pen and paper and tac up somewhere, and what you want to do is write down the problems that you're trying to solve. So what are you trying to give to that person? For instance, if you're a business coach, for example, or you want to help small business owners learn effective sales strategies and techniques. So the main problem in this situation your potential clients are experiencing might be the inability to find and attract those customers. So the knowledge or skills to do online marketing, or perhaps a budget to outsource, like key tasks. If you want to create a brainstorm, just write everything down and what are you trying to help that person with, right, a load of notes, and that will really help you. You can also create your client avatar, and if you haven't already done this, I highly recommend going to do that right now. So to create your client avatar, you need to write down who they are. You could possibly give them a name for an avatar, like, what kind of person are they like? Where do they live? Where do they hang out? Where do they like to go shopping? How old are they? What gender are they? What occupation do they have, maybe their salary, how much money did they earn? What are their interests? What is their level of vocation?

Get everything that you could possibly want on this client avatar, and write it all down. And then what you want to do once you've got all that is target your content for those people. So doing that, you want to be writing your content for those people. So if you're giving your client avatar a name, say Jeffrey, you want to be talking to Jeffrey all the time. So when you're writing your posts, think about talking to Jeffery or whatever name you want to give your avatar and word it that way. What questions would you want to ask Jeffrey? How would you want them to respond to you? So think about that when you're writing any content going anywhere, even on the website. Think about that ideal client and word your content accordingly.

Another way you can find them is you can survey your existing customers, so if you're not brand new, and you've already got a list of customers that have already bought from you, or you've got some followers already, you can survey those existing customers. Ask them questions, maybe you might want to know a bit that what they do, what education have they got and then you'll find the pattern, you might find a few people who've got the same sort of jobs, or you'll find that the people that follow you, they might have similar interests, or they'll have groups of things that are similar. Those groups or things will be your ideal client—so very good people to ask.

You can also look at your Google Analytics. Most people even forget to do this, or the one on your website. Google is your friend all the time, Google will tell you all, but if you look at your analytics, you'll see all of the insights for people that are already following you, where they're from, how old they are, what gender they are, there is a mass of information on there, so that would probably be my go-to if you have got Google analytics set up. If you haven't, again, I would advise you to go and do that.

Another way you can find your ideal client is what we call social listening. So as I said, Google is your friend. So Google Alerts is a massive thing; you can do common problem alerts as well as industry news, and join groups as well. All of those things together will give you so much more information, and it just put everything in one place. So you've got a whole client avatar all together, you know that the person you're talking to.

Other analytics you can look at are your social media analytics. So whatever platform you're on, Facebook is probably the best one. Go and have a look at your insights, and again it will tell you who's looking at what, what they've been looking at, what they've sort of been clicking on, and all the rest of it. You should go and have a look at that and keep looking at that frequently as well.

The last thing that I can give you for advice is to sort of spy on your competitors a bit to see who they're serving. So if you've got some that's doing a similar thing to you, maybe they're local to you've had them in your eye for a while, go have a look at what they're doing. Obviously, never copy what anyone else is doing, but see who's following them. What type of people are they? Where are they from? What do they do? Have a little bit of a spy on your competitors and their ideal client because they will probably be your ideal client too.

So I hope that has helped. If anyone has got any questions as usual, or you'd like to drop us a message and ask us anything about any training you want to do, a one on one or any outsourcing anything like that. Please get in touch, and you can head to our website, which is, and I will see you again next time. Thank you."


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