Making a decision on where to place your marketing efforts can be a difficult decision to make for a lot of small business owners. Usually, with limited budgets you are looking for as much free marketing as possible. You also have limited time and resources to invest in marketing that isn’t going to deliver results.
So why should you use e-mail marketing?
E-mail marketing gives you the power to reach potential clients or customers that are already interested in what you are selling. These people have visited your website or social media accounts and can then sign up directly from those sources therefore giving you more opportunity to sell to them and strengthen relationships.
Almost two-thirds of all emails are opened using a mobile device which means email marketing is one of the best tools to help your business as they can be opened wherever they are.
By using e-mail to reach your customers you are drip-feeding them information which is cost-effective to you as you are constantly at the forefront of their minds when they come to the point of needing your products or services.
A large percentage of people in the UK like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with. Your potential buyers like to suss you out before making any kind of purchase. It’s a lot to do with the ‘know, like and trust’ process. E-mail is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined in helping a business acquire new customers.
By checking your insights, you will be able to learn what works and check how your emails are performing. This helps you have a better understanding of what interests your audience.
There are a variety of e-mail marketing companies out there, but we highly recommend using MailChimp. MailChimp is an all in one integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms. It’s simple to use and even more so, they offer a free plan to get you started. Most of the things you will need to do are covered on the free plan. As well as creating campaigns, you are also able to set up automations which save you time and keeps your processes slick. Of course, these are limited but should you wish to upgrade at any point you can do so in order to add more as your business grows and needs to invest.
MailChimp also offers some rather professional-looking templates which are designed to help ensure you receive a high open-rate. You can insert your own content and customise each one how you wish. You can include your own logo and branding colours to make sure everything matches up too.
By generating these emails, you can almost guarantee an instant result. Whenever you need to boost your sales just send a sales campaign out and reap the rewards!
If you are interested in learning more about MailChimp we run a MailChimp group masterclass. Please contact us to find out the next dates.
In this session, we will be covering in general:
Mailchimp for businesses using the free version of MailChimp.
Plus, some explanation of what else you can do, should you wish to upgrade.
We will also include time for a Q&A with show and tell answers.
Please let us know on booking if there are any particular areas you'd like us to explore during the training.
Prefer to do a 1-2-1? Contact us now.